At CENTRAL, we aren’t just the church when we are gathered. We are very much the church when we are scattered to the places that we live, work, socialise and influence. We are never more effective as followers of Jesus than in the transformation of each of our own spheres of influence. That means walking out your faith in Jesus in every place and part of your life. That can be tough sometimes.

So we believe it is important to be supported, encouraged, challenged and equipped by a smaller community where you can be known, get to really know others and focus on living in the way of Jesus.

We currently have a number communities at CENTRAL gathering around geographical area or people groups. Our current community list is as follows:

1st City Centre
1st East
2nd East
3rd East
4th East
5th East
1st South East
2nd South East
1st South
1st North
2nd North
3rd North

Our communities have been in high demand and in order to be able to maintain them at the size and dynamics that we feel best serve everyone, we have two main intake points throughout the year. If you aren’t part of a community and would like to join one, or would like to start one, then contact us. We’ll grab a coffee and figure out what the next steps are. We would also love to direct you to various connection points around the life of the church